What is Spray Foam Insulation?
The spray foam insulation we use is a high performance, superior brand of spray foam insulation for homes, commercial and industrial buildings which can slash your energy bills up to 50%. It offers tremendous health benefits over Fiberglass and Cellulose. It also offers exceptional sound quieting properties and adds significant overall building strength making your home a safer structure.
Spray foam insulation offers so much more than just heating and cooling savings. When installed professionally, spray foam creates an effective air barrier, giving your family healthier air to breathe - free of mold, mildew and allergens. Our spray foam insulation can help you provide the healthy, quiet, safe and comfortable environment you want for your family.
About open and closed cell:
Closed cell polyurethane foams have higher R-values than other types of foam, around 6.0 per inch, although some stronger ones have R-values of 7.14 per inch and higher. Closed cell foams feature better insulation because of this resistance, and are also more resistant to water degradation or penetration, which includes moisture build-up. Moisture can eventually attract bacterial growth, promoting mold, which can eat away at wood and compromise structural integrity. Preventing moisture migration can help greatly curb mold growth. They are also dense enough to insulate air, preventing drafts and keeping in regulated temperatures. This density also prevents mold growth because temperature control can cut down on humidity, which spawns mold. In order to maintain their resistance, closed cell foams are usually dense and strong, and resemble solids when they fully form. This strength not only helps to insulate buildings and appliances, but can also strengthen walls to which it is applied.
Open cell foam sprays expand once applied, allowing them to be installed in hard to reach, out of the way nooks and crannies. This includes wall and ceiling cavities that can be difficult to seal with closed cell foams. The expansion feature will hermetically seal the area and provide proper insulation. However, the R-value of open cell polyurethanespray foam is lower, in the 3.6 to 3.8 per inch range. This means its heat resistance level is lower, which can cause insulation failures in extreme temperatures. Because open cell foam is still very dense, it provides good insulation. Open cell spray foam does not have water resistance, though, and its lower strength provides less support to walls. It is also more permeable to vapor and air, and lower noise frequency ranges.Another positive attribute of open cell polyurethane foam is its cost. Because of its disadvantages compared to closed cell foam spray, it is more affordable. This can be a great boon when an application does not require airtight seals and hermetic moisture prevention. Caution needs to be taken, though, that the less expensive alternative does not lead to more expensive repairs in the future. Establishing the needs of a given application are important before choosing which foam spray to use
Upon request we also do blow-in and fiberglass.